Hey guys!
Can you believe there are only FOUR days left until the release of Blood Princess? I sure can't. Let me tell you, I am SUPER excited! This is a dream come true for me!
With that, I wanted to give you guys some information.
First off, you should check out https://www.finch-books.com/ . That's where my book will be making it's big debut at. You can already see my cover featured on the page! How cool is that?!
Second of all, I'm gonna let you know some ordering information. For those of you wanting an E-Book copy of Blood Princess, you are in luck! On January 26, you can begin to download Blood Princess on the Finch Books website. For two months, Blood Princess will be available exclusively on the Finch Books website as a special promotion for the launch of the company. For those of you wanting a print copy of Blood Princess, you might have to wait a bit longer. From what I hear, the print option will be available beginning March 22.
I'll definitely be posting updates more frequently now, so as soon as I find out any more information, I'll let you know. I'm so excited to share Blood Princess with you!!
Four days is really close, but so far away at the same time! So, in the meantime, check out this nifty new GIF of my book cover! Isn't it awesome?!
Thanks for following my journey to publication!!!!!!